Blog Posts|Artwork|Storytelling

Of Words and Knots

Published: March 17, 2024

Words are a manifestation of our innermost thoughts. They allow us to convey what's inside the deepest recesses of our minds and hearts in a way that others can understand. It is worthwhile to develop our vocabulary so that we may communicate those things in life that truly matter.

Yet, it is inevitable that at some point as we face life's most difficult challenges, we may find that words are insufficient to express what's inside. During those moments of intense mental anguish and emotional distress, we may feel as if our stomach is tied up in a knot, as if the words get in the way of what we want to say. When we speak, the words get all jumbled up inside our minds and we may even end up making a mess of things.

Personally, what I have found helpful during these difficult times is to take a moment to write. For some reason, putting our thoughts down in writing has the effect of releasing some of the tension and anxiety in a therapeutic and cathartic manner. In fact, research has shown that writing is good for mental health.

In addition, putting our thoughts into writing comes with the added benefit of allowing us to postpone our feelings, perhaps for a later time when we may be able to fully process that which may be too painful to deal with at the present moment.

But be warned: We may find that we have no desire to write at all shortly after enduring life's most tragic events. This is normal and expected. We may even feel as if our mind is shutting down, unable to generate any words. However, this is precisely when we should be putting our feelings down in writing, despite the pain associated with having to re-live such traumatic events.

A wise person once wrote that we must "write hard and clear about what hurts". This powerful statement highlights the need for writing even during the worst moments in life, despite our desire to avoid thinking about the matter. The mind just wants rest from the mental anguish, and the heart seeks relief from the emotional distress. Putting the words in writing signals to the mind and heart that we are putting the matter to rest for the time being.

One reason for doing this is that the words we write while existing in distress can be preserved for later examination. The words can then be de-constructed at a later date when our perspective has shifted and we are no longer as afflicted by the catastrophe currently unfolding in our life.

During times of extreme distress, prayer is also extremely helpful, as it reinforces our faith in God which can help us overcome any adversity, no matter how difficult life's challenges may be.

However, even despite our best efforts to overcome the affliction, we may feel as if the tragic events are out of our control, leading to increased anxiety and stress. On top of that, there are the five stages of grief that often accompany the sudden, catastrophic loss of our loved ones. We may feel that we will never truly heal, and the depression that is sure to come may overwhelm us. By putting our thoughts down in writing during these extremely difficult moments, we can temporarily put our feelings aside, allowing time for our heart and mind to heal.

These intense feelings, now stored in written form, can remain that way, preserved for an undetermined amount of time, for several months or even years, until such a time has arrived when they can be properly addressed. When the mind and heart are ready, these thoughts and feelings can now be untangled, with the goal of achieving a healthier mental and emotional state.

With all of this in mind, I've decided to begin publishing this website shortly after enduring one such tragic moment in life. For me, this latest tragedy is just one of many unfortunate events that my family and I have had to endure over the past twelve years. It is my hope that by sharing my experiences with others, that I may be able to find relief from life's most painful moments.. and that perhaps I may be able to encourage others who have experienced similar tragedies.

In addition, I wish to promote healthy forms of writing which can promote good mental health. This includes writing thought-provoking articles that promote well-being, as well as sharing artwork, poetry, and storytelling that catch my attention.

If that is something that interests you, then I hope you will follow me on this journey.

Image of the day:

An image depicting words and knots
Generated with AI on 3/12/2024

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